The 16 Best Weight Loss Programs for 2022

Millions of people in the United States attempt to lose weight each year. (1)

Dieting is one of the most prevalent ways for promoting weight reduction, alongside exercise.

A diet that’s easy to stick to and successful in losing weight might be difficult to come by because of this.

The following criteria were used to choose the programs covered in this article:


  • nutritional value
  • sustainability
  • efficacy in terms of weight reduction
  • added health advantages
  • assisting with research


This article examines 16 of the most effective weight loss programs for 2022.


Best overall


1. Mediterranean diet


The Mediterranean diet is modeled after the eating habits of nations such as Italy, Spain, and Greece.

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, proteins, and healthy fats should all be included in a well-rounded Mediterranean diet.

Meanwhile, additional sugars and overly processed or refined meals are prohibited. (2)

Although the diet isn’t expressly intended for weight reduction, several studies have shown that adhering to the Mediterranean Diet may result in weight loss. (3, 4, 5)

One study of 16 research, for example, found that individuals who combined the Mediterranean diet with physical exercise and calorie restriction lost much more weight than those in a control group. (6)

Furthermore, further studies show that the Mediterranean Diet may aid in the prevention of chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease (5, 7).

Check out “The Complete Mediterranean Cookbook” for an easy resource to help you get started on the Mediterranean diet. It includes a range of tasty recipes as well as in-depth information on the diet.


“The Complete Mediterranean Cookbook” may be purchased online.



2. Diet based on plants


Plant-based diets emphasize the consumption of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils, and legumes.

Unlike vegan or vegetarian diets, most plant-based diets do not completely remove meat or animal products. However, these items are only consumed in moderation and are not often seen as the primary emphasis of the diet. (8)

Plant-based diets are particularly high in fiber, which refers to the parts of plant-based foods that are resistant to digestion, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fiber keeps you full between meals, which aids in weight reduction. (9, 10, 11)

Over 18 weeks, persons who followed a plant-based vegetarian diet lost an average of 4.5 pounds (2 kg) more than those who followed a non-vegetarian diet, according to a study of 12 research. (12)

Another evaluation of 32 trials found that plant-based diets were more successful for weight reduction than traditional diets and that they even improved blood sugar management, cholesterol levels, and inflammation. (13)

To discover more about plant-based diets, read Gabriel Miller’s book “The Plant-Based Diet for Beginners,” which includes a range of materials such as recipes and shopping lists.


Gabriel Miller’s “The Plant-Based Diet for Beginners” is available for purchase online.



Best for diabetes


3. carb-restricted diet


Carb-restricted diets are typically prescribed to assist maintain blood sugar management and enhance weight reduction among persons with type 2 diabetes. (14)

There are several kinds of carb-restricted diets, but most of them entail restricting the intake of foods that are rich in sugar or carbohydrates, such as sweets, candy, bread, and pasta.

Although certain carb-restricted diets, such as the Atkins or ketogenic diet, also entail considerably limiting your carb intake to 20–50 grams per day, low carb diets are defined as any diet consisting of fewer than 130 grams of carbohydrates per day. (15, 16)

One research in 49 persons with type 2 diabetes indicated that a low carb diet was more successful at reducing blood sugar levels than a low fat diet. What’s more, it led to decreases in cholesterol and body mass index (BMI) after 3 months. (17)

Another research in 124 persons with type 2 diabetes revealed that adopting a low carb, high fat diet was connected to better blood sugar management and higher weight reduction, compared with a control group. (18)

If you want to learn more about carb-restricted diets, you can discover useful resources online, or check out this article to get you started.


Shop for books about carb-restricted diets online.



4. Mayo Clinic diet


The Mayo Clinic diet is an eating plan first designed by doctors at the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit hospital system that’s recognized to be a pioneer in medical research.

The Mayo Clinic diet is centered on creating healthy habits including eating breakfast every day, exercising every day, and maintaining a food log.

It also supports nutritional components, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, while reducing added sweets and saturated fat from full-fat dairy and high fat meats.

Although there isn’t any peer-reviewed research on the Mayo Clinic diet specifically, studies suggest that adopting a diet rich in fiber and low in saturated fat may improve weight reduction and blood sugar management. (19, 20)

Other studies show that limiting your diet of saturated fat or added sugars may also boost your body’s capacity to utilize insulin, the hormone that’s responsible for transferring sugar from your circulation into your cells. (21, 22, 23, 24)

You may read more about the Mayo Clinic diet on the Mayo Clinic’s website, or discover important information in books on the subject.


Shop for books about the Mayo Clinic diet online.



Best for PCOS


5. Low carb diet


Low carb diets entail limiting your carbohydrate consumption, which includes high carb items like bread, pasta, and sweets.

According to some studies, insulin sensitivity may have a role in the development of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). (25)

As a result, low carb diets are often prescribed to enhance insulin sensitivity and assist treat PCOS symptoms.

A meta-analysis of eight research found that adopting a low carb diet might help people with PCOS lose weight and enhance hormone levels. (26)

Furthermore, a meta-analysis of seven research found that low carb diets might assist women with PCOS to regulate their hormones and increase their fertility. (27)


Online bookstores sell low-carb diet books.



6. Anti-inflammatory diet


Anti-inflammatory diets prioritize foods high in nutrients known to reduce inflammation, such as antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. (28)

Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish are abundant in these diets. They also avoid processed meals, fried foods, and sugar-sweetened drinks.

According to research, eating more anti-inflammatory foods including fruits, veggies, and nuts may help you lose weight. (29, 30, 31)

An anti-inflammatory diet, in addition to aiding weight reduction, may help ease PCOS symptoms.

High levels of inflammation are known to contribute to PCOS symptoms and may be linked to higher amounts of androgens, or male sex hormones. (32)

A 12-week trial of 100 women with PCOS revealed that combining a calorie-restricted, anti-inflammatory diet with regular physical exercise enhanced weight reduction and improved hormone levels, menstrual cycle regularity, blood sugar management, and fertility. (33)

The book “The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners” by Dorothy Calimeris and Lulu Cook is a good resource for further information on the anti-inflammatory diet.


Online bookstores sell “The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners” by Dorothy Calimeris and Lulu Cook.



Best for heart health


7. DASH diet


The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is a diet that promotes weight reduction, lowers blood pressure, and protects against heart disease. (34)

The diet emphasizes healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains.

Meanwhile, red meat and meals with a lot of added sugar, salt, or fat are out.

According to a meta-analysis of 13 research, people who followed the DASH diet for 8–24 weeks lost more weight and belly fat than those who followed other calorie-restricted diets. (35)

The DASH diet has also been demonstrated to lower blood pressure, total cholesterol, and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, all of which are risk factors for heart disease. (36, 37)

There are many books and materials available on the DASH diet, or you may start with this page.


Online bookstores sell DASH diet books.



8. The TLC diet


The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) diet was created by the National Cholesterol Education Program to help people maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Foods rich in fat and dietary cholesterol are restricted on the TLC diet, while foods high in soluble fiber — a form of fiber that dissolves in water — are recommended.

The diet also suggests doing at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity every day.

Increasing your diet of soluble fiber and increasing your physical activity are two frequent weight-loss measures. (38, 39, 40)

Furthermore, some previous research has demonstrated that the TLC diet may lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and improve immunological function. (41, 42, 43)

Check out the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ free TLC diet guide online.


Best for menopause


9. Intermittent fasting


Although there are several methods and variants of intermittent fasting, most of them entail reducing food consumption for 14–24 hours at a time.

According to some studies, intermittent fasting may be especially advantageous for women undergoing menopause. (44)

It has been demonstrated to improve weight reduction in the same way as calorie restriction does, and it may also aid boost fat-burning. (45, 46)

Intermittent fasting may also assist to lower insulin resistance and normalize blood sugar levels, which may be particularly advantageous during menopause. (47, 48)

Furthermore, additional study shows that intermittent fasting may assist improve mental health during menopause by increasing self-esteem, lowering stress levels, and alleviating anxiety and depression symptoms.

According to research, intermittent fasting affects men and women differently, indicating that women may be more susceptible to the effects of fasting. (49, 50)

Women may benefit from a more relaxed approach to fasting, such as intermittent fasting just a few times a week, ingesting a limited number of calories during fasts, or limiting fasting periods to 14–16 hours at a time.

To optimize the possible advantages, be sure to eat a nutritious and balanced diet during non-fasting times.

Check out Gin Stephens’ book “Fast. Feast. Repeat.” to discover more about intermittent fasting and how to implement it into your everyday practice.


Gin Stephens’s “Fast. Feast. Repeat.” is available for purchase online.



Best for thyroid health


10. Pescatarian diet


The pescatarian diet is mostly plant-based, however, it does contain fish and seafood.

There are numerous types of pescatarian diets, but the majority of them avoid meat and poultry while including other animal products such as fish, eggs, dairy, and honey.

According to research, pescatarians had a lower BMI and better food quality than non-vegetarians. (51, 52, 53)

The diet may also be especially good for persons suffering from thyroid difficulties such as hypothyroidism since it increases the intake of seafood high in selenium, a mineral required for the creation of thyroid hormones. (54)

Furthermore, seafood such as cod and tuna may help guard against iodine deficiency, which is another component that might lead to thyroid problems (55, 56).

Keep in mind, however, that this diet may not be ideal for all thyroid problems, and people with illnesses such as Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease may benefit from a personalized dietary pattern tailored to their circumstances.

Many publications on the pescatarian diet may give further information, as well as meal plans and recipes to get you started.


Online bookstores sell literature on the pescatarian diet.



Best for vegetarians


11. Ornish Diet


The Ornish Diet is a low-fat, plant-based eating plan that emphasizes nutritional foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

While weight reduction is not the main aim of the Ornish Diet, it has been shown in many trials to be helpful for long-term weight loss.

One research of 311 women, for example, found that individuals who followed the Ornish Diet for a year lost an average of 5 pounds (2.2 kg). (57)

Another small research found that the Ornish Diet was more successful for weight reduction than other popular diet programs like the Atkins and the ZONE Diet, resulting in 7.5 pounds (3.3 kg) of weight loss after one year. (58)

Keep in mind that the Ornish Diet severely restricts fat intake and inhibits the use of some beneficial items such as nuts, seeds, and oils. As a result, meticulous preparation is required to ensure that you achieve your nutritional requirements while adhering to the Ornish Diet.

For more details on the diet, see Dean and Annie Ornish’s “Undo It! How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases.”


Online bookstores sell Dean and Annie Ornish’s book “UnDo It! How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases.”



Best for older adults


12. Jenny Craig


Jenny Craig is a well-known program that provides packed, portion-controlled meals to aid in weight management.

Jenny Craig may be an excellent match for many older folks since it is straightforward, easy to follow, and does not include considerable planning or preparation.

Plans are personalized to your weight reduction objectives, but they commonly range from 1,200 to 2,300 calories per day.

According to a meta-analysis of 39 trials, Jenny Craig participants lost about 5% more weight after a year than those in a control group and those who received behavioral therapy. (59)

In another research, 133 overweight women who followed Jenny Craig’s advice lost an average of 11.5 pounds (5.3 kg) in 12 weeks. (60)



13. Mind diet


The MIND diet, or Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, combines elements of the Mediterranean and DASH diets to help battle mental deterioration.

Fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and whole grains are emphasized on the MIND diet, whereas items rich in saturated or trans fats are prohibited.

Although evidence on the MIND diet’s impact on weight reduction is limited, both the Mediterranean and DASH diets have been linked to greater weight loss.

Furthermore, research suggests that the MIND diet may help retain brain function as we age and may be connected to a decreased risk of neurodegenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease. (61, 62)

To get started, read Julie Andrews’ “The MIND Diet Plan and Cookbook,” which includes shopping lists, meal plans, and recipes focused on improving brain health.


Julie Andrews’ “The MIND Diet Plan and Cookbook” is available for purchase online.



Best for couples


14. WW (formerly Weight Watchers)


WW, previously Weight Watchers, is a diet program that promotes long-term, sustainable weight reduction using a point-based system.

SmartPoints are awarded to foods and beverages, and members are given a certain amount of points to utilize each day.

Depending on the plan you choose, there are also 100 to over 300 ZeroPoints items available, which are foods that do not count towards your daily SmartPoints quota.

WW may be a wonderful choice for couples looking to lose weight since the program is flexible and enables you to dine out together while still eating your favorite meals.

WW also has a couple’s bundle that gives a discount on a dual membership.

One thorough evaluation of 39 research found that Weight Watchers members lost at least 2.6 percent more weight than a control group or those who got behavioral therapy over a year.

Another research of 1,267 persons revealed that those who followed Weight Watchers for a year lost more weight and continued to lose more weight after two years than those who got self-help materials or short dietary guidance. (63)

However, Weight Watchers financed this research, which may have impacted the findings.



Best on a budget


15. vegetarian Diet


Switching to a vegetarian diet is an excellent method to reduce weight while also saving money.

Indeed, plant-based protein sources such as canned beans, lentils, tofu, and tempeh may be a cheaper alternative to meat, chicken, and fish.

Following a vegetarian diet might also be a simple method to lose weight.

Over an average of 18 weeks, persons who followed a vegetarian diet lost much more weight than those who followed a non-vegetarian diet, according to a study of 12 research.

Another study found that eating a vegetarian diet was related to superior overall food quality when compared to non-vegetarian diets in 75% of the trials considered. (64)

There are several publications available that might give further information about vegetarian diets and their possible health advantages.


Online bookstores sell vegetarian diet books.



Best for convenience


16. BistroMD


BistroMD is a meal delivery business that specializes in promoting long-term weight loss.

Dr. Caroline J. Cederquist, a bariatric specialist, created the program, which includes over 150 chef-prepared meals that are ready to consume in 5 minutes or less.

You may mix and combine your favorite recipes to build a bespoke meal plan by choosing from plans that include breakfast, lunch, or supper.

Gluten-free meals are also offered, as are programs for heart health, diabetes, and menopause.

Although no studies have been conducted on the efficacy of BistroMD, the program includes meals that are low in calories and rich in protein, which may help lower your hunger and aid weight reduction. (65, 66, 67)

To assist you to meet your weight reduction goals, the program also includes access to an online community and direct support from a licensed dietician.



How to choose


When looking for a diet or weight reduction program that works for you, there are many aspects to consider.

To begin, seek a diet that is readily adaptable to your lifestyle and dietary choices since this will assist assure long-term success.

Furthermore, choose programs that are supported by research and have been demonstrated to be beneficial for weight reduction.

Diet plans should also be reasonable and long-term. Avoid diets that are extremely restrictive or that promise a fast remedy for rapid weight reduction.

You should also be wary of regimens that demand you to buy pricey items or supplements to see results.

Programs should ideally include other good lifestyle practices, like frequent physical exercise and mindful eating, which may help with long-term weight reduction and general health.

If you have any other underlying health concerns or are using drugs, consult with a trusted healthcare provider before making any dietary adjustments.


Result in Bottom Line


There are several weight reduction plans available, making it simple to pick one that works for you.

When choosing a diet, seek one that is practical, sustainable, and supported by science.

To optimize weight reduction and enhance your overall health, add other good habits into your daily routines, such as frequent physical exercise and mindful eating.





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