20 Benefits to Eat Real Food

Food that is as near to its natural condition as possible is considered real food.

It mainly consists of:

  • unprocessed
  • without any chemical ingredients
  • nutrients-rich


However, given the popularity of processed foods in the twentieth century, the Western diet has turned increasingly toward ready-to-eat meals.

While processed meals are handy, they may be harmful to your health. So eating real food may be one of the essential things you can do to help preserve your health.

Here are 20 reasons why you should eat real food.


1. Loaded with important nutrients


Unprocessed animal and plant meals may help offer the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

For example, 1 cup (149 g) of red bell peppers, kiwi (180mg), or orange slices (165 g) delivers more than 100% of the RDI for vitamin C. (1, 2, 3)

Choline, a vitamin required for normal brain function, is abundant in eggs and the liver. (4, 5)

And a single Brazil nut has enough selenium to last an entire day. (6)

In truth, most whole foods are high in vitamins, minerals, and other essential elements.


2. Sugar-free


According to some studies, sugary meals may raise your risk of obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, and heart disease. (7, 8, 9)

In general, natural foods have less added sugar than many processed meals.

Even though fruit includes sugar, it is also abundant in water and fiber, making it a better alternative to soda and processed meals.


3. Heart healthy


Real food contains antioxidants and minerals that promote heart health, such as magnesium and healthy fats.

Eating a healthy, unprocessed diet may also help decrease inflammation, which is one of the primary causes of heart disease. (10)


4. Environmentally friendly


The world’s population is rapidly increasing, and with it, so is the need for food.

Producing food for billions of people, on the other hand, might harm the environment.

This is partly due to the loss of rainforests for agricultural land, increasing fuel requirements, pesticide usage, greenhouse gas emissions, and packaging that ends up in landfills.

Developing sustainable agriculture based on real food may help improve global health by lowering energy consumption and the quantity of nonbiodegradable trash produced by people. (11)


5. High in fiber


Fiber has several health advantages, including improved digestion, metabolic health, and sensations of fullness. (12, 13, 14)

Avocados, chia seeds, flaxseeds, blackberries, beans, and legumes are rich in beneficial fiber.

Consuming fiber from whole meals is preferable to taking a supplement since it keeps you satiated for longer and provides additional nutrients from the fruit or vegetable.


6. Aids in blood sugar management


Diabetes affects around 450 million people globally, according to the International Diabetes Federation.

By 2045, that figure is predicted to climb to 700 million.

A diet heavy in fiber, vegetables, and unprocessed animal foods may assist persons with or at risk of diabetes lower their blood sugar levels.

In one 12-week research, patients with diabetes or prediabetes were given a paleolithic diet that included fresh meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and nuts. As a result, their blood sugar levels were reduced by 26%. (15)


7. Good for your skin


Real food can nourish and protect your skin and improve your general health.

Some foods, including dark chocolate and avocados, have been demonstrated to protect the skin against UV damage. (16, 17)

According to research, skin wrinkling and other signs of aging may be reduced by consuming more vegetables, seafood, beans, and olive oil. (18, 19)

Acne may also be prevented or reduced by moving from a Western diet of processed foods to one based on genuine cuisine. (20)


8. Reduces triglyceride levels.


There is a substantial correlation between dietary consumption and blood triglyceride levels.

Sugar and processed carbohydrates may raise your triglyceride levels, so it’s better to limit your intake.

Fattier fish, lean meats, veggies, and nuts have been demonstrated to drastically lower triglyceride levels when consumed in moderation. (21, 22)


9. Variety is essential for a healthy diet.


You may add variety to your diet by experimenting with new meals, such as veggies you have never tried before.

Vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds are just a few of the hundreds of genuine food alternatives available.

Try different meals regularly. Chayote squash, chia seeds, organ meats, kefir, and quinoa are a few unusual ingredients to try.


10. Costs less in the long run


Real food, it is thought, costs more than manufactured food.

2,000 calories of better food cost around $1.56 more than processed food, according to a review of 27 research from 10 nations.

However, compared to the expense of treating conditions like diabetes and obesity, this discrepancy may be insignificant.

People with diabetes, for example, spend 2.3 times more on medical supplies and other healthcare expenditures than those without the ailment. (23)

For this reason, real food saves money in the long term by reducing the amount of money spent on medical care.


11. High in healthy fats


Most naturally occurring fats are preferable to trans and processed fats found in vegetable oils and certain spreads.

When it comes to monounsaturated fats like oleic acid, extra virgin olive oil is an excellent source. (24)

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in various foods, including seeds. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fatty fish like salmon, herring, and sardines, have been shown to reduce inflammation and preserve heart function. (25, 26)

Avocados and nuts are two examples of natural foods rich in healthful fats.


12. May lower the chance of illness


Including more whole foods in your diet may help lower your illness risk.

You may lower your chance of developing heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome by eating a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods. (27, 28)

Several extensive observational studies have linked a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to a lower risk of cancer and heart disease. (29, 30)


13. Contains antioxidants


Free radicals are unstable chemicals that may harm the cells in your body, and antioxidants help resist them.

The most common sources are vegetable and fruit juices, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and other plant-based foods. In addition, antioxidants may be found in fresh, unprocessed animal meals, albeit at considerably lower concentrations.

When it comes to eye illnesses like cataracts and degenerative macular disease, egg yolks contain lutein and zeaxanthin. (31, 32)


14. Good for your gut


The gut microbiome refers to the bacteria that exist in your digestive system. Again, eating natural food may be suitable.

Prebiotics are foods that your gut bacteria convert into short-chain fatty acids, and many natural foods serve this purpose. In addition to maintaining gut health, these fatty acids may enhance blood sugar control.

Garlic, asparagus, and cocoa are all-natural dietary sources of prebiotics.


15. May aid in the prevention of overeating


According to studies, individuals who consume a lot of processed and fast food are more likely than others to overeat. This is especially true for those who are overweight. (33)

There are no added sugars or flavors in real food in processed meals, leading to overeating.


16. Encourages oral health


Natural foods may also help maintain a healthy set of teeth.

plaque-causing bacteria thrive on sugar and processed carbohydrates in the Western diet, leading to tooth disease. Soda has a high concentration of sugar and acid, leading to tooth disease. (34, 35)

Increasing the pH and hardening the tooth enamel are two additional ways that cheese seems to aid in cavity prevention. In addition, cheese consumption enhanced enamel strength in persons with low saliva production. (36, 37)

It has been shown that green tea may also help preserve dental enamel. Researchers observed that rinsing with green tea after drinking soda and brushing their teeth thoroughly significantly decreased the amount of erosion that occurred. (38)


17. May aid in the reduction of sugar cravings


Additionally, natural food diets may help lower cravings for sugary foods like cakes and cookies.

Sugar cravings may become less common if your body gets used to consuming complete, unadulterated meals.


18. Leads by example


It’s not only better for yourself when you eat real food; it’s also better for the people who matter to you.

Your friends and family may follow suit and eat a more nutrient-dense diet if you lead by example. In addition, it’s an excellent method to teach your children about healthy eating habits.


19. Gets the focus off dieting


Because it narrows your attention to your weight alone, a dieting mindset may be damaging.

In reality, a healthy diet is about much more than weight loss. It’s also important to feel rested and well-rested.

Rather than relying on fad diets, a more sustainable and joyful way to live is to consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Allow weight reduction to occur as a natural byproduct of a nutrient-dense diet and better metabolic health, rather than making it a primary goal.


20. Aids in the support of local farmers


It’s a great way to support the local farmers who raise your food if you shop at farmers’ markets.

Fresher and less processed food may be found at local farms than big-box retailers.


The bottom line


Real food is simply one component of a healthy lifestyle.

It’s also crucial to:

  • exercise as much as possible
  • lessen your stress levels
  • maintain sufficient nutrition

But there’s little question that eating more real food will go a long way toward boosting your health.




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